Workplace Health Services
MedPro Healthcare provides a range of professional healthcare services nationwide.
Our team of registered nurses ensure all services are delivered to an exceptionally high standard, in a way that is convenient to you and your employees.
Workplace Flu Vaccination
The flu is a serious illness that lasts 7-10 days and affects around 20% of the population each year.
Providing employees with the opportunity to receive the annual flu vaccination helps protect the individual, coworkers, and their families. MedPro can provide onsite vaccinations and vaccination vouchers available for WFH staff, or rotating rosters. Request a proposal for your workplace vaccinations.
Workplace Health Checks
Assessment is the foundation of a well planned and successful wellness programme. This is best achieved by health checks at your workplace by our experienced Registered Nurses. Nurses are trained to recognise unspoken signals – the human touch works!
During the assessment we provide advice on health and lifestyle changes, and employers can chose to receive an aggregated report on the health risks in their workplace.
Occupational Vaccination Services
Some occupational fields require additional vaccines to protect them in the event they are exposed to specific pathogens.
Please follow the link below to check if additional vaccinations are recommended in your workplace.
Occupational Health Monitoring
Pre-employment health screening provides information to the prospective employer on an individual’s suitability for the job, but also provides valuable baseline data for future comparison.
We can tailor the screening to your organization’s requirements, and the nature of the particular job involved. This can include but is not limited to medical history, blood pressure, vision, hearing, and respiratory screening and drug testing,
This health check is conducted by our Registered Nurses, and any identified health problems will be referred to the appropriate health professional.
CPR Training & Recertification
MedPro offers a range of CPR courses equivalent to The New Zealand Resuscitation Council’s CORE courses for doctors, nurses, dentists and dental technicians.
For groups that meet the minimum size requirement the training can be conducted at your premises. However we also run open courses for individuals and smaller groups.
Please note, this service is currently only available in Auckland.