Workplace Flu Vaccinations
Don’t let the Flu get you!
Studies show that the impact of the Flu hitting a workplace has real and significant costs.
- Interrupted customer service
- Lost sales
- Missed deadlines
- Temporary staff hire costs due to absenteeism
- Reduced productivity when staff stay at work sick
The flu vaccination is one of the most effective ways a business can help protect itself from the costs of winter staff illness. International studies have shown significant cost savings with a workplace flu vaccination programme, reducing absenteeism, and doctor visits, as well as increasing productivity at work.
Some points worth noting…
- Being fit and healthy does not stop you from catching the flu – it is easily spread and anyone can catch it.
- 20% of people catch the flu each year, and a number of those still turn up to work, often unaware they have caught the virus. They then pass it on to their co workers and families.
- The flu virus changes each year so annual vaccination is required.
- Vaccination is the best protection against the flu and reducing its impact.
Remember vaccination protects not only the person vaccinated, but the people around them who may be more vulnerable. The elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with low immunity are at high risk of dying from the flu.
The Influenza (Flu) Vaccine in 2024
New Zealand’s 2024 flu vaccine will protect against four strains of flu virus – two influenza type A strains and two influenza type B strains.
The influenza strains included in the 2024 quadrivalent flu vaccine for New Zealand are:
- an A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
- an A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like virus;
- a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus; and
- a B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus.
What is the difference between influenza and other respiratory diseases?
Influenza Symptoms
Common | Uncommon |
Cold Symptoms
Common | Uncommon |
COVID-19 Symptoms
Common | Uncommon |
Flu Myth Busters
There are many myths circulating about Influenza and the Flu vaccine.
Here are some of the more common ones:
“Healthy people don’t need the Flu vaccine.”
Anyone can catch the Flu. Being fit and healthy does not protect you. Influenza spreads very easily and up to 1 in 5 people still get influenza every year. By having the vaccination you can protect yourself & reduce the chance of bringing it home to a baby, an older relative or someone with a medical condition who could become seriously ill from the Flu.
“The viruses are different each year, so the vaccine doesn’t work”
Each year the World Health Organisation studies the different strains of the Flu around the world. They then develop vaccines to match the strains that are most likely to be circulating during our New Zealand winter season.
“I’ve had the Flu before, so I don’t need the vaccine”
Each year the Flu virus changes, so you need to be vaccinated each year to keep up with the changes.
“The Flu is no worse than a cold”
The Flu is a severe illness, sometimes requiring hospitalisation. A cold is mild and lasts a few days.
“The vaccine can give you the Flu.”
It is not possible to get the Flu from the Flu vaccine. The vaccine is made from broken down parts of viruses. These are not live viruses, and are not infectious. They can’t cause the Flu. If you feel sick after the vaccination the possible causes may be:
- There are many viruses around at the same time as the Flu virus. You can get sick from different viruses.
- The vaccine takes 2 weeks to take effect, so you may have already caught the Flu virus.
- Any vaccine has possible side effects. These can include: redness and soreness at the injection site, fever, tiredness and aching muscles. These side effects can start 6-12 hours after your vaccination, and may last up to 2 days. This often gets confused with the Flu.
“You can still get the Flu even if you have the vaccine”
The vaccine is about 80% effective in protecting against the Flu. The vaccine doesn’t protect against coughs and colds. Often people confuse these with the Flu.
“The vaccine can give you the Flu.”
It is not possible to get the Flu from the Flu vaccine. The vaccine is made from broken down parts of viruses. These are not live viruses, and are not infectious. They can’t cause the Flu. If you feel sick after the vaccination the possible causes may be:
- There are many viruses around at the same time as the Flu virus. You can get sick from different viruses.
- The vaccine takes 2 weeks to take effect, so you may have already caught the Flu virus.
- Any vaccine has possible side effects. These can include: redness and soreness at the injection site, fever, tiredness and aching muscles. These side effects can start 6-12 hours after your vaccination, and may last up to 2 days. This often gets confused with the Flu.
“You can still get the Flu even if you have the vaccine”
The vaccine is about 80% effective in protecting against the Flu. The vaccine doesn’t protect against coughs and colds. Often people confuse these with the Flu.